
Archive for March 1st, 2010

So I’ve learned that as a parent of a small child most people feel like they can come up to you and say just about anything about your child without really thinking. It seems to be a slight continuation of the pattern Annie experienced when she was pregnant. Total strangers sometimes would come up to her to try to rub her belly and ask her questions about the pregnancy. Some people would say things that could have been taken as offensive but Annie was pretty gracious during that time. Anyways with Oliver now like I said we’ve seen a similar thing happen and after a while certain phrases can become kind of old to hear time after time like – Wow he’s tiny! Is he a midget? Do you ever feed him? etc. Well Oliver has always been a little guy ever since he was born. We actually had to wake him up to eat sometimes and now that he’s on formula he hasn’t really gained a lot of weight. He looks especially tiny next to his cousin who is on the larger and taller side for kids of his age but Annie and I are just enjoying how small he is. One of the best things about him being so small is that he can fit into just about anything. In fact I was considering having a series of pictures where we just took him and had him sit inside of all sorts of objects for fun.  The above pictures should give you a small sample of how little he was at the time the pictures were taken. Which was a few days after thanksgiving last year when he was 8 months old if you were wondering.  The funny part about the above pictures was Oliver had been crawling around and getting into all sorts of things so I thought I would empty out his train toy bin and see how he would like sitting inside. He sat there for a long time just content to play with the few pieces left inside and we actually had to take him out to get him to bed before he actually started crying & then at that point he didn’t want to leave so that caused him to cry. He’s been such an easy child to deal with and take care of – so we have definitely been blessed. Hopefully that continues :)


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